Please read the options below before making a selection:
Standard Pharmacy Plans
Select this option for the following plans: Ascend, BluePreferred Copay, BluePreferred Original, BluePreferred Saver, BluePreferred Basic, BlueClassic, BlueOptimum, BlueValue, BlueEssential, BluePortfolio, ExecuCare, BlueOptimum Plus, BlueSignature Prosano, BlueValue Plus, BlueBasic Plus, BlueEssential Plus, BluePortfolio Plus, BluePreferred, BluePreferred NoCopay, BlueSolutions, BlueAlliance, BluePreferred HSA Plus, BlueSelect HMO Plus.
View resources for Standard Pharmacy Plans
Qualified Health Plans (QHP) for Individuals/Families and Small Groups
Select this option for the following plans: AdvanceHealth, Cultivate, EverydayHealth, Individual PPO, TrueHealth, and Portfolio.
View resources for QHP Pharmacy Plans